CHICAGO Zoning Ordinance: Pedestrian Streets

Farr Associates was part of a consultant team selected to overhaul the 1957 Chicago Zoning Ordinance. Based on Farr Associates' recommendations, the commercial zoning code was revised to include new design-driven zoning provisions to preserve commercial character on 26 designated pedestrian-oriented commercial streets.  Known in the zoning ordinance as “P” Streets, regulations encourage continuous streetwalls, high levels of window transparency, and entrances to shops at sidewalks.  Any associated parking is located behind buildings and unnecessary curb cuts, such as drive-thrus, are prohibited to foster an enjoyable pedestrian environment.

Today, P Street designations are being sought by neighborhood groups across the city to help preserve neighborhood character. P Streets are also being utilized in the City’s new Transit Oriented Development Ordinance– permitting areas designated as P Streets extra density and relaxed parking regulations.

Client: City of Chicago

Location: Chicago, IL

Year: 2004

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